(Approved by the Board of Regents, February 10,2006)
Among the responsibilities of the Board of Regents
articulated in the governance legislation that created the
Â鶹AV is the following statement:
12-104 (C) The Board of Regents (1) is responsible for
the management of the Â鶹AV
and has all the powers, rights, and privileges that go
with that responsibility, including the power to
conduct or maintain any institutions, schools, or
departments in the University at the locations the
Board determines;
While the Board of Regents has delegated to the institutions
authority for the creation of academic departments or the changing of
department or college names, the creation of new schools or
colleges 1 within an institution, usually involves the creation of
additional administrative structures, increased staffing
requirements, and increased infrastructure costs, and may
suggest a change in mission emphasis.
Therefore, in order for the Board to fulfill its
responsibilities under the law, it is the policy of the
Â鶹AV that any institution proposing
the creation of a new school or college, regardless of
whether such an action involves the development of new
academic programs, shall submit a proposal to the Chancellor
for consideration by the Board. This requirement for Board
review and approval shall apply even if the creation of the
new school or college is accomplished through the
reallocation of existing resources and the realignment of
existing academic departments.
The proposal should include the following elements.
- Rationale/need for creation of the new school or college;
- Decision-making process involved, role played by
various stakeholders;
- Mission statement for proposed school or college, and
description of how the new entity relates to the approved
mission of the institution;
- Description of proposed administrative structure,
including current and eventual departments, staffing,
organization chart; and
- Faculty resources now in place.
Approximately two years after initial Board approval, the
institution shall provide to the Chancellor for submission
to the Board a status report on the new school or college.
That report shall include the following elements.
- Strategic plan for the school or college;
- Planned changes to faculty resources (five year projections);
- Five-year budget projections (revenue and expenditure detail);
- Program development and modification plans, if any; and;
- Enrollment projections for programs within the new
school or college, if applicable.
It is understood that the approval by the Board of Regents
of a new school or college in no way implies approval of
new academic degree programs. Additions to the program
inventory that will be housed in the new school or college
must be made through the regular new program approval process.
1 The terms "college" and "school" are used interchangeably
to designate an administrative or operational unit of the
university, generally comprising departments in related
disciplines, which carries out teaching, research, and
scholarship functions. A school or college normally is
headed by a senior administrative official who holds the
title of "dean."