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Rosario van Daalen: Said that as the Chancellors Liason to CUSS, that is what she was there to do; to inform CUSS of information as it evolved. The Board of Regents had just passed a resolution on Thursday, July 23, to give the Chancellor the authority to discuss the budget with 鶹AV Presidents on Monday, August 3rd; CUSS will be present at that meeting (Chancellors Council). 鶹AV has to provide a budget plan to the Governor by July 31 Lots of communication taking place between the Chancellor and the Governor because the Chancellor wants to maintain the quality of higher education Meeting with Human Resources Directors on Aug. 6 to discuss plans related to cuts/deficit; will discuss what worked/did not work with furloughs, how to address layoffs if necessary Staff councils should meet with their HR directors prior to Aug. 6 to voice their concerns about furlough implementation and provide input Several Presidents have already been meeting with their Staff/Faculty Senates Also looking at UMBI central administration: priority of interview, MOUs with labs regarding policies and procedures of moving staff into new environments Joe Hill: wider range of furlough implementation time should allow more flexibility to employees than some institutions had last time; there was a lack of flexibility on some Institutions last fiscal year Concept of using holiday as furlough day and floating it at leisure within the fiscal year (for personal budgeting) Larry Lauer: It is difficult to explain decisions to constituents if we are not part of the decision-making process; we should not be asked to back decisions if we are not part of making them or agreeing to them Support furloughs vs. salary reductions within the 鶹AV because they do not affect benefits We should address decision-makers with respect but make noise Chairs Year-End Report Accomplishments CUSS did good job of being proactive vs. reactive Worked to try to avoid layoffs and be involved in decision-making processes, out in front of the issue Wrote letter about furloughs with ideas, many of which were adopted Worked with rest of 鶹AV to get governors budget passed UMBI involvement Set goals for next year Areas of concern Resolved legal position but ability to work within system outside of unionized environment is not resolved Shared government is not optional; needs to be involved in decision-making process Board of Regents policies are not optional; Board of Regents continues to promise to discuss the ignoring of Regents policies, but they do not want to talk about We should be treated as independent partners, not bound to support the administration, so they should solicit our views Joe Hill: reports directness is on target; wholeheartedly agrees; no process in place to allow us to influence the system Rosario van Daalen: Board of Regents told presidents they have autonomy, so it is difficult to arrive at consensus Copy of year-end report to be sent to the Chancellors Council, which meets Aug. 3; already sent to Chancellor UMBI No word since Board of Regents meeting; 鶹AVO committee established to write MOUs for UMBIs Centers transfers has been working with the applicable Institutions and UMBI Lots of activity among institutions taking over pieces of UMBI but no overarching activity UMBI interim president is Ed Eisentstein Continue to push Chancellor and Regents to make sure structure is there for staff to ensure a graceful transition Mary Stapleton: the word around UMBI is to get out while you can It would be nice if there was a promise of job stability/security for UMBI administration, but this is the worst possible time within the 鶹AV for this to be happening. Candace Rettie, Vice President of Academic Affairs at UMBI, sent Larry Lauer an e-mail that 鶹AV is making an effort to bring human resources units together to discuss provisions for staff (facilitate movement of UMBI staff) Would it be useful for CUSS to write to the 鶹AV UMBI-MOU committee, Anthony Foster, Associate Vice Chancellor Larry Lauer will send what he sent to the Presidents and Regents with CUSS recommendations REPORT FROM THE CHANCELLORS LIAISON TO CUSS - Rosario van Daalen Given that UMBI will be dissolved after this year, should the Sept. 22 meeting be at UMBI (Columbus Center) instead of UMB? OK with Colette Becker, OK with Mary Stapleton; Mary will check availability Will be Willie Browns first meeting as chair FY 2009 Flexible spending accounts: can incur expenses through Sept. 15, 2009, and must submit receipts by Oct. 15, 2009 (IRS dates) Update on Blue Ribbon Commission (retiree health benefits): no meetings rescheduled since the last meeting of March 2 was canceled due to snow. The commissions report is due on December 31, 2009. The State and participants of the commission have redirected their thoughts and energy to the current budget crisis. They may need to ask for another extension (report was originally due December 2008). Additionally, next year will be election year and many of the current legislators would not want to be asked to make changes to retirees health care during that time. COMMITTEE MEETINGS CUSS Newsletter (Colette Becker) Newsletter is being edited It will be published electronically by the end of August or early September Joe Hill: we should write down the publishing schedule for use in the future Colette Becker will send the newsletter to CUSS membership as PDF OLD BUSINESS Nominations for Member At-Large of Executive Committee Larry Lauer read the bylaws: cannot have two people from one organization on the Executive Committee (except for co-secretaries) Standing nominations are for Lori Smith-Watson (UMBC) and Brenda Yarema (TU) Call for nominations: none NEW BUSINESS Larryisms Certificates of appreciation for 2008-09 will be presented to CUSS members at the August meeting Certificates for Board of Regents Awards winners and nominees will also be ready for the August meeting; Colette Becker will help out with them, given that co-secretaries will both be absent for the August meeting Letters presented to Executive Committee members from Chancellor Willie Brown should send a similar letter to the presidents of all institutions for the rest of the CUSS membership indicating the members right to meet with the administration NEXT MONTHS CUSS MEETING: Aug. 18, Salisbury University 14;<CJ    - . 9 > M N P Q R X Y [ \ j k o p q w } ~  ! 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